About Us


Mayuge Town Council was established by an act of parliament in 2000 and it’s located in the Eastern region of Uganda. The headquarters are situated in Mayuge Town 120km from Kampala the capital city and 40km from Jinja. It’s bordered by Buwaaya Sub County in the North Imanyiro sub county in the West, Mpungwe Sub County in the East and Busakira Sub County in the south.


A very strong and vibrant council with a population which is Literate, Prosperous, Well feed, Health by the year 2040


To improve the standard of living of the people of Mayuge Town Council using the available resources efficiently













The Town Council has got four (3) government primary schools thus Ikulwe, Kyebando and Mayuge Town council primary schools In upper primary five, the enrolment ratio of boys to girls is slightly higher than girls. These schools are strategically located in the Town Council to accord opportunities to both female and male population.






However the town council has also private primary and secondary schools that have helped to boost the Education sector in Mayuge Town Council for example St henry’s college, Delta high school, sarah Ntiro, Mayuge light secondary school .And among the private primary school the town council has Hilton junior school, Act for Africa nursery school, Mayuge Primary school, Vision Academy, Mayuge junior, St Timothy primary school, Eastern modal primary school etc.

 As far as access to education is concerned, gender equality has almost been achieved though there is need for considerable effort to maintain the status quo


Mayuge HC III and other private owned clinics in the council, provide good opportunities to vulnerable groups to access health services, pregnant mothers, youth, people with disability can access health services and information on HIV/AIDS, safe sex etc. given that women are the primary caretakers at home, they are the ones who normally go to these facilities to get treatment for their children and family at large.





This section analyses the Town Council potentials, opportunities, constraints and challenges that affect the improvement of wellbeing of the people of Mayuge. Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. It also refers to things you can be successful at if you develop and use your gifts, talents and natural abilities. Opportunities are sets of circumstances that make it possible to do something. A Constraint is something that plays the part of a physical, social or financial restriction. It is a derived form of the intransitive verb form constrained. Challenges are an objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for proof.


The development potential of Mayuge is enormous. The varsity availability of natural resources in Mayuge Town Council has enabled the poorest of the poor to survive even when other human and development indicators stand at very poor levels. Natural resources such as lakes, rivers, forests, oil, gas, and minerals are expected to continue to play a significant role in resource abundant economies, as demand from rapidly growing economies increases, and as supplies of non-renewable resources decline and renewable resource harvests approach maximum sustained yield levels.  Not surprisingly, countries richly endowed with natural capital have the potential to derive significant current income from resources. In addition to providing revenues to resources rich countries, natural resources can play a central role in poverty reduction efforts.  The poor generally depend upon natural resources directly for their livelihoods, especially the rural poor.

Natural resources have the potential to provide a significant number of jobs. Properly functioning ecosystems provide a range of services that include waste absorption, water and nutrient cycling, seed dispersal and pollination, controlling agricultural pests and providing food and habitat for species. These services allow ecosystem goods otherwise known as natural resources - to be produced and maintained. Timber, clean water and air, and agricultural.

The Mayuge Town Council is conscious about the need for economic development of the Town Council and that the available natural resources are very important components in this drive such resources include: fertile soils, granite, forests etc. the exploitation of these resources therefore needs to be managed in a sustainable manner in order to protect them from excessive degradation and exploitation which may cause their extinction (details of existing natural resources.

The population of Mayuge Town Council is a very huge resource to development given that majority of the population is young and youthful. There are numerous schools both primary and secondary that are providing relevant formal education skills. 

Over times, the population has welcomed development initiatives including those that directly affect their property rights on assets such as land. Roads, water, health facilities, among others have been welcomed without huddles of compensation demands from the population.


  • Good collaboration with MoLG, MoFPED and other government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Town Council. This has led to continued remittance of funds from the central government and provision of technical assistance in all sectors.
  • Existence of ready market for agriculture, fisheries and livestock markets both within and outside the Town Council. Mayuge Town Council is the major producer of maize, cassava, potatoes, coffee, cocoa; beans etc. for the neighboring towns of; Mayuge, Jinja, Iganga, and Kampala, etc. these crops are sources of livelihood for the people of Mayuge.
  • Donors continuously express willingness to support to the Town Council. Over the last 15 years, the Town Council has enjoyed donor support from international, national and community based organizations that have facilitated the improvement of various interventions in services provision within the Town Council, agencies like USAID, Sight Savors, Star EC, HOPE,UDHA, World vision. Among other have contributed significantly to the improvement of the welfare of the people of Mayuge.
  • Existence of legal and regulatory frame work for implementation of government policy such as the local government act, the land act, among other legislation that has enabled the Town Council to carry out its mandate efficiently.
  • Existence of the National Development Plan which is now the key guiding framework for planning this had led to increased investment in off the budget line support by central government. Amenities like secondary schools, extension of the national grid to various parts of the Town Council.


  • How do we speed up the functionality of the existing social and economic infrastructure to national standards given meager resources, the wear and tear as well as the need to construct other supplementary facilities?
  • How do we Curb the high rate of population growth and accelerate on the uptake of long acting permanent methods and reduce the unmet need for family planning?
  • How do we Stop child labour especially on sugar cane plantations?
  • How do we contribute to the development of vibrate private sector given the road network that requires regular mechanized maintenance?
  • How do we ensure that communities do utilize the available socio and economic infrastructure in order to improve on their livelihoods and therefore quality of life?
  • How do we increase the locally raised revenue of the total Town Council budget?
  • How do we increase production and productivity of agriculture production given the declining soil fertility due to poor farming practices, land fragmentation and the community perception that fertilizers do spoil the nature of soils?


  1. The Town Council has inadequate capacity to fully exploit available natural resources and identify new ones especially those underground.
  2. Poor road network leading to very high transportation costs especially in areas that are beyond Mayuge Town Council. Other socio-economic infrastructure like schools, health centres, water sources, markets etc. are not well developed.
  3. There is no clear strategy of marketing agriculture produce, market information is lacking and there are no or few storage facilities in rural centres.
  4. Low levels of income due to limited access to factor of production and the lack of capacity to development of the existing natural resources base.
  5. The meager conditional grants and donor funding leading to dependency on revenues where the Town Council doesn’t have control yet these funds play a very significant role in extending social services to the people.

Review of previous plan performance

  • Installation of culverts.
  • Completion of office blocks.
  • Completion of a class room at Mayuge Town Council Primary School.
  • Road openings.
  • Renovation of street lights.
  • Tarmacking Kaguta road.
  • Construction of temporary stores.
  • Urban road maintenance.
  • Rent for garbage site.
  • Periodic maintenance of roads.
  • Procurement of filling carbins.
  • Sensitisation of communities on development issues.
  • Extension of office space.
  • Road surveys and designs.
  • Periodic maintenance of roads.
  • Procurement of filling carbins.
  • Sensitisation of communities on development issues.
  • Extension of office space
  • Road surveys and designs


The information technology sector is a sector within the management and support department in Mayuge Town Council charged with establishing, monitoring,  Maintaining, and  Support of all ICT  solutions and infrastructure  in  Mayuge Town council and strategic planning around current and future IT initiatives.

The IT sector reports to the Senior Town clerk’s office.

The IT sector is a new sector introduced in the recent new restructuring process of 2017/2018.


  • To improve institutional efficiency
  • To improve communication
  • To improve business support

These objectives are briefly broken down as follows


  • Provision of work supporting equipment such as computers, printers, scanners, storage devices and mobile gadgets
  • Facilitation of the local and wide area network and internet services in all offices.
  • Formulating IT standards in accordance to National standards
  • Provision of IT support to workers and the citizens of Mayuge Town Council
  • Reduce costs of doing business in operation.


  • Enhance internal communication tools for example internet, email, unified messaging, client processes
  • Enhance development of external communication through the interactive web portal, social media and call center
  • Provide mobile valve added services for example sms, interactive voice response, mobile apps


  • Improve revenue collection through Automation
  • Re-engineer all processes in all the departments
  • Provide software solutions to all departments.


  • Being IT is a new sector in Mayuge Town Council, you find stuff in other departments doing IT work in a wrong way without consulting the technical person (IT officer), more so issues of repairing, maintaining and procurement of IT gargets .this has led to loss and poor quality IT garget, like computers, printers
  • Inadequate computer and peripheral devices
  • Lack of a network connection. This has hindered the smooth running of the IT work for example software updates (like anti-virus).
  • Lack of office space (control room).
  • The staff are reluctant towards the move of digitalization





  • Government should provide more computers and other computer gargets like printers, photocopiers,
  • The administration should at least provide a local area network
  • The administration should provide a control room.
  • The administration should tell every staff member his/her role.


IT officer trouble shooting



TO contact IT please call 0784928384/0700810613.